Transformed a Vintage Piano Into An Original Analog Ensemble of Twenty Instruments

This unusual analogue combination of twenty instruments—what is it?

Every once in a while, an extraordinary technical feat emerges that magnificently re-creates an instrument.

Those ingenious players have breathed new life into a grand piano that is almost a century old, as you can see in the video down below.

Twenty additional instruments were added to the grand piano, and all of them are playable with the piano keys. Brunettes Shoot Blondes is a band from Ukraine that is responsible for creating this intriguing innovation. They first came together in the beginning of 2010 in Kiev, Ukraine, and play indie rock music. Their original song “Houston” is playing in the video.

An animated music video for the band’s 2014 hit “Knock Knock” catapulted them to stardom in September. Over 26 million people have viewed their inventive music video for the original song “Knock Knock” on YouTube. Below is a video where you can see it.

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