Parents Surprise Daughters With Newly Adopted Baby Brother Under The Christmas Tree | “The Girls Knew Nothing”

Chloe was the oldest one of the three daughters of Courtney Solstad, 36, who lived in Dallas. Emma and Maci were the younger sisters of Chloe.

Courtney wanted to surprise her children with an adopted baby boy Nathan. When the three sisters saw their new arrival in their family, they reacted in the most heartwarming way. That first precious moment was captured on camera by their dad Steve to be a memory forever.

The picture of that perfect present Nathan was nestled under the Christmas tree, wrapped up in a blue blanket, alongside an Elf on the Shelf toy was posted on Facebook along with the video. Next to the baby, there was a chalkboard, which revealed that one of the Christmas wishes of Chloe was to have a newborn baby.

Courtesy : Courtney Solstad
Courtney said in that video: ‘The girls knew nothing about Nathan until this. We met them at the door and told them that we had been out Christmas shopping and got them a gift to share… and it was under the tree!’

In the video clip, when the first girl saw the baby, she was in great shock and her hands immediately reached her mouth. It seems that the second girl didn’t spot the “gift” properly and bent for a closer look. Once she spotted it, she placed her hands over her mouth and the third girl also did the same thing.
When Courtney showed the newborn Nathan to her daughters and told them that there was their newborn baby brother, one of the girls started to cry with tears of joy. The second one started jumping with overjoy. The third one was shouting,” I’m going to wet my pants.’
In great delight, one of the girls said, ‘He is so sweet,’. The other girl asked in great excitement, ‘Can I touch him?’ The third one asked whether the baby was a boy? Then those girls went to wash their hands so that they could cuddle their little brother. This small video clip was viewed nearly 400,000 times.
Courtney updated her post on Facebook, in which she said how her family was adjusting to their new baby. In her post, she said, ‘Feeding my little man and reflecting over the last few day’s events!’ ‘This has been one of the most magical experiences in our lives! We prayed big things and God answered in big ways! ‘Our little guy is so incredibly perfect! He is healthy and happy and just the sweetest thing you have ever seen!’

She added the hashtag #Solstad6 in celebration of the new arrival.

Her post received many beautiful comments on social media. ‘Congratulations on the beautiful baby boy!’ One person wrote, while another added: ‘What an amazing blessing and reaction by the girls! #bestgiftever’

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