Isabella Strahan in Tears Over Cancer Update

After being overjoyed about the chemotherapy news she received earlier this week, Isabella Strahan is sharing another heartbreaking update.

In the newest YouTube video, Strahan revealed she’s back in the hospital for a third unexpected brain surgery as she continues to battle cancer.

“There’s ups and downs to this…. I’m in a down right now,” she admitted.

As she explained, her fever spiked to over 100.4. When that happens she needs to seek medical assistance.

“I started hysterically crying because I needed to get an IV and I haven’t had an IV in so long. They’re giving me fluids right now and antibiotics.” Isabella then went in for another procedure.

“So they did a little procedure. I’ve had this one before. They stuck a needle in three spots and drain fluid and I was completely awake for this. My first completely awake surgery.”

As a result of this setback her chemotherapy has been pushed back.

This update comes after Isabella Strahan found herself in tears while sharing another cancer update with the public, a positive update.

However, while her journey so far has been a difficult one, this update is one that has left Strahan in “happy tears.” “These are happy tears. It’s not even considering crying when it’s happy tears.”

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