
Tips for Giving a Pain-Free, Effective Injection

With all the news on the rollout of Covid-19 immunizations, we’ve been seeing a lot of injection administrations on TV recently. Some of the videos make me cringe. How about you? I couldn’t believe how many times I saw the one where the vaccine is visibly dripping down the outside of the patient’s arm, obviously resulting in a sub-therapeutic dose. Or a new one this week where the injector palpates the injection area with a gloved hand before giving the needle.

But who am I to be questioning injection technique? Well, I was one of the first pharmacists in Atlantic Canada to be trained to administer injections by a wonderful group of Public Health nurses using a detailed program from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. At the same time, we were trained to deliver the program to other pharmacists. Along with a team of nurses, I trained about half of the pharmacists in our province over the following years, presenting the program every few months. I also helped test the students at the end of each program, and this has made me very picky about technique! Read More

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