
Mum defends her right to continue to breastfeed her four-year-old daughter on camera

A mum who shares videos of herself breastfeeding her children has defended her right to continue nursing her four-year-old daughter despite being criticised by online trolls.

Leanne Allerton, 35 from Grimsby has built up a loyal YouTube following after vlogging about her breastfeeding journey.

Part of that journey has included continuing to breast feed her children into toddlerhood and beyond, something that the mum is keen to normalise.

Her latest post about nursing her four-year-old daughter, Poppy has been viewed almost one million times.

But while many have praised the mum for raising awareness about normalising extended breastfeeding, the video has also received some cruel comments from trolls who claim Poppy, who starts school in September, is too old to be breastfed.

“How do you expect your child to grow and prosper socially when they are still relying on your boobs for sustenance?” one viewer wrote.

“It’s a pity because the child is being taught total dependency rather than to independently soothe and feel self-sufficient,” another added.



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