I Was Enraged When I Saw My Fiancé’s Christmas Gift to Me After I Bought Him a PS5

The OP (Original poster) explained on twitter about an inappropriate situation she had with her fiancé, and many people agree with her response, while others say it’s too much.

Here’s the whole story (in our own words) and we’ll let you do the decision!

My fiancé and I have been engaged for six months. I do hairstyling and he’s a pediatrician.

I had a hard time spending the months of savings I had for my fiancé’s birthday on the one present he had always desired but never shopped for.

When I couldn’t get it anywhere else, I ended up buying him a PS5 from a relative. I can’t tell you how difficult that was.

Thanks to the private practice he and his colleagues have launched, my fiancé’s financial situation has improved significantly.Read More

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