Waitress Feeds Beggar & His Dog, ‘You Changed My Life’ He Admits Showing Up in Fine Suit

For days, a cafe waitress Hilary offered free food to the homeless man begging on the street nearby. Until one day, he disappears, leaving a note, only to surprise her by showing up in an expensive suit weeks later.“When you get, give.”It was Hilary’s mantra for the day after she read a quote by Maya Angelou in the morning. She always read or listened to something inspirational before beginning her day as a waitress at the cafe.On her way to work, she noticed a homeless man begging on the street. As Hilary came closer, he stretched his hand forward, asking for money.

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Hilary felt for the man and his dog but had to rush to work. She walked off briskly, hoping that some other kind stranger would help the homeless man and his furry friend.

She checked her hair and adjusted her nametag as her shift was about to begin. Hilary enjoyed working at the cafe, even on days when her feet would hurt from soreness.

More than anything, Hilary appreciated the freedom the city life gave her.

“When you get, give.”

Maya Angelou’s words were on loop in Hilary’s mind.

As the waitress served her first few customers, she noticed the homeless man from earlier that morning walking toward the cafe. He stopped and looked at the menu card stuck outside the door. He put his hand in his pocket, pulled out a few coins, and started counting them. Read More

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