The plumber suggested a dirt-cheap method for any clogs. I didn’t believe it until I tried it myself…

I used to deal with all clogs using chemical products. My cabinet was always stocked with various bottles, ranging from very expensive to cheap.

Like everyone else, I would just pour these products down the drain, and after some time, the water would gradually start seeping through. However, the problem never really went away, and clogs were a regular occurrence.

So, I started asking my friends how they dealt with clogs. They simply told me that I needed to remove the trap, clean it, and the pipes.

But I couldn’t do such a procedure myself, and there was no one to ask for help—after all, the only man in my family is just seven years old.

So, I decided to call a plumber. Of course, this service isn’t cheap and took a toll on my budget.

Surprisingly, the plumber turned out to be a pleasant person. After we started talking, I asked him what products would help eliminate a clog if it happened again since calling a plumber every time is too costly for me.

The man then asked me if I had ever used home remedies for clogs. I replied that I had always used chemical products.

Then, the plumber quickly prepared a remedy from ingredients that everyone has in their kitchen. He poured this mixture down the drain, and we waited for about half an hour to see the effect.

I was amazed when the clog was completely cleared.

I decided to conduct an experiment: I filled the sink with water and then drained it. The water drained so quickly, it was as if there were no pipes under the sink at all.

And now, the recipe:

Pour regular baking soda (half a cup) and salt (half a cup) down the drain. Mix it all thoroughly.

After that, pour in 9% vinegar (about a quarter of a cup or a bit more).

Immediately after the vinegar, pour boiling water (one liter) down the drain.

Let it sit for about half an hour to an hour.

Afterward, turn on the hot water and let it run for about one to three minutes.

This simple method is no worse than store-bought products for cleaning pipes, eliminating clogs, and completely getting rid of unpleasant sewer odors.”

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