Sandra Bullock’s Son Is All Grown Up

Louis Bardo Bullock, Sandra Bullock’s son, was born in 2010, and his arrival changed everything in her life. He has grown significantly since the Academy Award-winning actress adopted him as a small boy. Sandra claimed that she was inspired to explore adoption after Hurricane Katrina, which took place five years before her 2010 divorce from […]

Iconic Actor Dead at 98

An iconic soap opera actor has passed away. According to reports, Days of Our Lives star Bill Hayes has passed away. Hayes iconically played opposite of his real-life wife Susan Seaforth. In 1970, the talented couple met on set. After immediately hitting it off, the co-stars got married 4 years later on October 12, 1974. Eventually, their […]

At the age of 32, ѕhe was considered by many to be an experienced driver. There was nothing to ѕuspect, however, on that cursed day, ѕomething terrible happened!

At the age of 32, Courtney Ann Sanford was considered by many to be an experienced driver. There was nothing to suspect, however, on that cursed day, something terrible happened! After tens of minutes on the road, she started playing her favorite song on the radio – “Happy” by Pharell Williams. She was apparently in […]